Research Chemical Inc. adopt a preventive approach, striving to make efficient use of natural resources and to minimize the environmental impact of our activities and products.
Research Chemical Inc. has a long-term view on capital investments associated with energy conservation, allowing payback periods up to the lifetime of the asset for projects that save energy.
As additional relevant emissions into air, we report halogenated and non-halogenated volatile organic compounds and the inorganic pollutants sulphur dioxide/nitrogen oxide. Volatile organic compounds primarily result from the use of chlorinated and non-halogenated solvents in chemical synthesis operations and cleaning processes. Whenever possible, we take mitigation measures to minimize losses to the atmosphere. Inorganic pollutants, including sulphur dioxide/nitrogen oxide and particulates, arise primarily from the combustion of fuels and waste incineration.
Research Chemical Inc. reports total effluent load for chemical oxygen demand, nitrogen, phosphate and total suspended solids, i.e. amounts actually reaching the aquatic environment. They are determined from concentrations of effluent parameters multiplied by flow volumes of waste water discharged from our facilities after treatment.
Our waste management strategy is to prevent, reduce and recycle waste before treatment, incineration or disposal. We take advantage of opportunities for reuse and recycling, we work to keep environmental impact from waste at a minimum, and we maximize energy use from waste.
We have worked to eliminate ozone depleting substances used in fire extinguishers and refrigerant materials from our affiliates’ operations, and include the inventory and emission of ozone depleting substances in our reporting, per Global Reporting Initiative standards.
The disposal of waste, particularly in landfills, poses the long-term risk of soil, surface and ground water contamination. Liquid and soluble components leaking from landfills could ultimately endanger the health of people living nearby, and of communities that depend on natural water sources downstream.